Jarna's Infallible Law of...Friendship

1.   Differentiate between friends and acquaintances.
-Everybody you know cannot be your friend, some people are just people you know.

2.   It’s ok to move people from one category to the next.
-They tend to change sides sometimes.

3.   Put a value on it.
-What is that friendship worth to you?

4.   Don’t make it your most valuable relationship.
-Friends are not worth your self-image.

5.   Pay attention to the Law of Balance.
-Give and take is important. Don’t give more than you want to and never ever take more than you would give.

6.   Develop superpowers.
-Good friends have the uncanny ability to accept you for who you are while helping you become a better version of yourself.

7.   Equality never goes out of style.
-A friendship should never make you feel inferior or superior to somebody else.

8.   Sacrifice is not always necessary.
-You should never have to sacrifice one friend for another unless you decide that that’s what is best for you.

9.   Be unto others...
-Never ever expect someone to be a friend to you that you’re not prepared to be to somebody else.

10. It’s ok not to have any.
-It’s important to note that it’s ok to let go of friendships and if you reach the point where you find that you have none, that’s ok too.


  1. We as humans often take friendship as a means of hanging on to some type of union and in reality friendship in its simplest form is just the compatibility of minds that are connected not by choice but buy circumstance and motive.
    What I mean by this is that when two people meet for the first time they have a choice to either be attracted to, fond of, or just in agreement with the other...

    After that choice is made the only thing left to do is to commit to that choice...
    so overall commitment is the key to what friendship is and can become because at the end of the day it doesn't matter how far or how near a friend will always be a friend because they care
    Mushy and corny but fairly true...

    Disclaimer: some friendships may vary

    1. I'm inclined to agree. You could be afriendship expert. Alternately, sometimes we expect too little of our friends though.


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