Jarna's Infallible Law of...Interracial Relationships

By writing my thoughts on the subject, it seems like interracial relationships are a big deal. They’re really not and this is what I wish to say here. This Black girl hereby declares that there are worse things than being in a relationship with someone outside of your race.

In a time when everybody comes from somewhere else, it’s becoming increasingly harder not to meet people who are outside of your own.

In this same time, while so many people proudly shout claims to effect of “Hallelujah for the abolition of slavery,” those mouths turn down disapprovingly at a black guy holding hands with a white girl. Mind you, whatever her race, as long as her hair doesn’t shrink up when it comes in contact with water, she’s declared white.

Adversely, aeons away from slavery, while the world makes strides in medicine, world unification, infant mortality, gender equality and so on and so forth, it seems that no significant progress has been made to make interracial relationships acceptable.

By this I mean that while world leaders are signing treaties and shaking hands across the boundaries of skin colour, in the areas that matter, regular people continue to whisper behind their hands and insult other people just like them who are searching for their own pieces of happiness.

Why do some see interracial relationships as bad? Is it because of some unfounded misconception that the races are not meant to be mixed? Do you believe that interracial couples are selling out? That black girls are only good enough for black guys? When you watch a mixed couple walking around, do you feel like it’s a waste of a good black guy or a good black woman?
Who’s to say that races were meant to stay within their kind? Who’s to say that the average black girl is 100% black? People come from everywhere. How do you or society determine who your heart wants because I want to believe that we were never meant to see skin colour. How many couples destined to be together lost their chance because of the threat of intense and consistent criticism?

Of the seven billion people comprising the world, Asians make up 54%, Black people make up 15%, Caucasians make up 15% as well, Hispanics are 8% and Middle Eastern 8%. Those statistics tell me two things: 1. There is no one person for any individual and 2. There is a high probability that many of those relationships are interracial.

I’m one who believes that the mental slavery spoken of by Bob Marley is still very prevalent today. It manifests itself in ignorant people -of all races who restrict and limit people by place of origin.

Why is it okay for us as black people to see other races as a ticket to elsewhere... and don’t deny it either. All we ever hear is, “She met this guy/he met this girl and he took her away to blah blah blah/and she took him away to blah/blah blah...”

Why do we see other races as superior and ourselves as undeserving? We see that all the time as well: “A nice white woman like her why she with that dirty Rasta!”

Why can’t we appreciate our race as equal to others?

Are we the same people who say-albeit unconvincingly- “Black is beautiful., white is...” We don’t need to say all of that to appreciate our race...

As a matter of fact, why see colour at all? It will take some doing and I don't mind starting: I think interracial relationships are beautiful. It means that more people are choosing to see beyond skin, culture and border control. 

It also means that the world has another chance at real integration beyond signing agreements and cheap legislative talk. It will actually take people to bring people together.

I think it will also take some time- decades even- to erase the bitter history and myths cultivated by generations of misanthropy.

Until that time, I dream of a time when a black man and a white woman can hold hands in the streets of a small island developing state without fear of cussing and maypwee...

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