Monday 8 June 2015

The War on Principles

I have noticed for some time that television is waging war on marriage and Christianity while celebrating strippers.

I know that statement is a bit “out there” but don’t you see it?

I also think that the strategy to desensitize viewers is very effective. 

For example, the first time I saw two men kiss or show affection on TV, I was stunned for several minutes. Over time, I’ve come to accept it and even anticipate it depending on the message of the show. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still stunned...just less.

I’m effectively becoming desensitized.
It’s been years since the commencement of the war on Christianity. It’s only becoming more obvious and prevalent with time I think.

Do you notice that in every movie or television show, several disparaging remarks are made about God, Jesus or Christianity?

The message is basically that it’s ok to “be good” and do good things but it’s silly or even fanatical to believe in –get this- not just any religion but Christianity. 

Movies are pushing this message that evil wins sometimes and that evil is actually good sometimes. Consider Maleficent, Noah, Lucy, Left Behind, Bruce Almighty, Man of Steel, The Avengers, The Dark Knight and a host of others. (Not even horrors, imagine that.)

Besides the movie plots, there are some pretty outrageous lines that human beings actually recite. Blows my mind, really.

Batman Begins: “Swear to Me!”
James Bond- Tomorrow Never Dies: “Soon I'll have reached out to and influenced more people than anybody in the history of this planet, save God Himself. And the best He ever managed was the Sermon on the Mount!”
Kill Bill Vol. 1: “I can say with no ego that this is the finest sword I have ever built. Should you encounter God on your quest, God will be cut."

That’s just three. There are thousands in just movies alone. AND NOBODY SAYS ANYTHING. Crack a joke or say anything seemingly inappropriate about any other religion or even a transgender and the world comes down on you.

In the news, reporters take on a tone when they refer to Christians. That tone is the equivalent of I’m rolling my eyes, these Christians are clearly crazy extremists believing in magic.

No jokes are made about Hindus, Islamists, Jews or any of the other religions of the world; just Christianity. For other religions, this would be considered intolerant or discriminatory but for Christians, that’s fine. Why the war on Christianity though?

Meanwhile, the war wages on against marriage.

I don’t know how old this war is but I only just noticed it. It’s the memes, it’s the reality shows, the comedies, the comics, the movies...

The message is that marriage is an unnecessary prison but if you happen to “tie yourself down”, there’s always a quick escape.

How many happy, functional marriages do you see in the media? Why do wedding movie plots consistently include the line, “Last night as a free man...”? Why do the grooms always go to extremes on the night before the wedding to do things he’s never really thought of doing and really doesn’t feel the need to? Is it really necessary to have sex with random people before he commits to the person that he claims to want to spend the rest of his life with? Why are wedding bands referred to as handcuffs? Who’s holding the gun to anybody’s head and forcing them into it? Why are the single people made to look so much happier than the married ones with families? Why are the TV wives always nagging, the children always terrible and the husband always just apathetic and trying to get away from it all? Is it to scare men away from the idea? Why are the happier homes on TV now based on same sex marriages or women as the head?

Is it because all we see on TV are incompatible people looking for instant and temporary gratification? If that marriage doesn't work, that's ok; a quick split and you're free to look for "your happiness" anywhere else you choose. Forget working on marriages or even getting to know your partner beforehand.

When you grew up didn’t everything seem less complicated? It was just known: you met someone that you can’t imagine living without who is everything you will ever need so you make it official and then start a family- the foundation of a functioning society.
With the breakdown of the family comes confused children, confused parents, an upside down society and policymakers struggling to keep up to make everybody happy.

Since when is everybody fighting for a cause? Since when are anomalies forcing the world to accept them as normal and then turning the tables on the standard?
How does this story end?

This all works together in my mind to create a society with no principles save for just "be good" and do good things. You alone are good enough to judge yourself. Whatever you think is right, is right. 
That includes this new culture of celebrating strippers. So many new songs are all about them. They have gone from something shameful and done in the dark to practically leaders of a cult.
Eliminate God and the family and what’s left? Strippers.


  1. I completely agree with you, a war is being waged against principle. I've also noticed that brother/sister incest and pedophilia are now becoming a more common theme on some of my favorites shows. Its only a matter of time before these two become as common as the gay minority cast member. As far as the stripper love goes; both sexes are being taught that women are merely play things with big asses who only exist to satisfy the desires of men. Strippers are the embodiment of that.

  2. It seems too me that the world is getting more and more corrupt the things that where usually frowned upon are promoted,and the idea of the homosexuality that is becommin a normal thing is just an abonination.

  3. Very interesting article. I must say for some time i have thought the same. Looking forward to reading more of your articles.

  4. Great read.. We get so used to seeing these things that its become a norm and we've accepted them subconsciously...definitely an eye opener to be more mindful

  5. We know all these things would happen. Signs of the Times. Gotta be ready for Jesus to come and keep our eyes peeled.
    Very good point about the desensitization!


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