Friday 30 May 2014

The Stocking On The Other Foot

Did you know that men can be sluts too?
I have my own rather liberal opinion of promiscuity but for the purpose of this article, let me agree with everyone else and say it is what they say it is.

Has anyone ever noticed that men are often proudly promiscuous? And this has nothing to do with gender wars or comparison, I’m simply saying that men need to revalue themselves.

I recently read about a notion that our young black men are promiscuous as a result of black male slaves having to impregnate black female slaves to produce more young black slaves to work the plantations.

While data does not seem to support that theory, it is worth an investigation. And the question remains to be asked: why are our black men so undiscerning with their sexual activity?

Since the rock of ages was a pebble we’ve heard it said that women should “respect themselves” and not let just any old person use them. Still without comparing, I’m asking, why don’t men?

Do men see themselves as valuable or as studs put out to pasture to conquer and impregnate as many fillies as they can?

Why do numbers matter so much? If not numbers, why is being promiscuous perfectly normal to the average guy? Is it because ultimately, no one can tell, since there is no obvious wear and tear and no kids in tow?

As a female, I’m offended by guys who feel they have more to offer to me because they have been around.

I’m insulted that you think you can drag yourself around with every female with two legs and eyes and then offer those leftovers to me.

Why should I feel that you have an edge because you’ve been with everyone?

If a guy is going to appeal to me, he needs to have that ‘it’ factor—that he doesn’t just give ‘it’ away to anyone and any...thing.

A guy will say about a female that she gets around, that she’ll have anyone who’ll have her and she has no standards.

I say that about guys, too.

If a sense of self-worth exists, shouldn’t you “respect” yourself too?

I haven’t been able to forget that man who was outraged when he told me, “Women put value on themselves, why can't I put value on myself too? So I’m not worth anything because I’m a man?”

I had no response, I had never thought of it that way but isn’t he right?

Why do our black men feel that their value lies in their number of conquests? Why must you want to ‘try’ every female who gives you a chance? Why are you so cheap?

I don’t know all men so I can’t be referring to every man but you know yourselves.

Reader, you and I are not comparing men and women or explaining men’s activities away with excuses. All we’re saying is that if the stocking fits...


  1. In line with this article, I do believe that if the stocking fits, it should definitely be worn. There is nothing great about being with an almost infinite group of individuals. All who've added to your experiences but since they are no more; they've also increased the undesirous unforgettables...Giving a bit of yourself to every "flight of doctrine" proves invaluable, reckless and all the other words that will persuade younger men from becoming man- whores

  2. I stronoy put a value on your penis.

  3. Once again your rite on the money jarns can't fault you very well said guess if women can he scrutinize then the same should be said for guys to society may see it as nothing truthfully if u can discriminate a woman as a man going out with any and every woman makes u the same ita hard to tell the average stubborn minded young man such but an sure the true men may support u thoroughly well said keep up the good work #the truth.c.winston

  4. It has nothing with been slaves but men in general we just greed and we see fucking a lot of woman as asserting our power and dominance over the so call weaker sex. I can live my life with one woman and many men can but we chose not to. But what can I say sex is fun. Women use sex to get whAt they want from men too and some women love sex as much as men but we all can live with one person but our problem is we as a species we just greedy

  5. I'm quite enjoying the discussion. Feel free to disagree.

  6. C.laurent: I think it's just cultural, like global cultural not just black, women r to be one way and men another, faithful vs promiscuous, dunno,if it's right or not, or if culture is such a great influence burnt women being unfaithful seems so much worst


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