Monday 14 January 2013

Carpe Diem

I have learned never to say neverfor more than one reason. Life is way too unpredictable for me to be so rigid. New plan? Carpe Diem.*

I know some of you will jump at the opportunity to say, “Huh? I know some things I’ll never do...”

Now, now Reader, don’t have a fit. I’m only saying why I would never say it. A guy let on to me one time why he would never say never and I thought it made perfect sense. Before that I was like you—saying that I knew for sure a few things that I would never do. For the sake of discretion, I’ll not list any of the things to which I’m referring.

When I was younger and up until thirteen years ago I had my life all figured out. I knew what I was going to do and where exactly I would be in life by X age. I’ve been forced to revisit that so many times that I just decided to throw the script away. New plan: one day at a time.

In no way at all am I trying to discredit life plans. I’m sure yours will work out just fine for you...but if it doesn’t for any reason, no reason to throw your hands up and say, “Woe is me, my life is shit!”

Everybody knows that things never go as planned except if you’re one of those people who look perfect all the time and things just fall in place for them every day of their life (don’t you just envy those people?!).

Anyway, I digress... a lot of the things I said I would never do I’ve either done or thought of doing if only just for the experience.
This is in no way a kiss-off to morals and ideals. I’m not referring to right or wrong, good or bad, socially-acceptable or not.

Look at this, I started this off with a (somewhat) clear idea of where I wanted it to go and look what it turned into: another rant.

I’ve always said that I would not tattoo because I have yet to come across something important enough to be written on my skin permanently. But look! I’m closer to wanting Carpe Diem printed on my forehead! Closer...not quite there yet.

My point is this: things happen so suddenly and with no consideration to our plans and opinions and there’s nothing we can do about it except shake our heads, say, “Alas” and swallow our disappointment temporarily humbled by our insignificance to the workings of the planet.

Seize the day Readers, take every opportunity presented to learn something new; meet someone new; have a completely new experience.

On this island, we live like we were told how to. Why work 160 hours just to buy what you’re supposed to buy and eat what you’re used to eating and go where you’ve been before? Just to repeat the grind next month and grumble at our boss and your co-workers and complain that the money is insufficient?

The way I see it: we work for work. Work for money to buy clothes, pay bus fare and prepare lunches FOR WORK so that somebody can tell you, “Hey, you’ve done well, here’s two weeks to enjoy a fraction of your money.” And after thirty years you’re told you can leave off now ‘cause you’re not of much use to us. Then you spend the rest of your days rubbing ointment on your knees and rationing your life savings so that it doesn’t run out before you keel over.

That’s crazy! I’m not doing that!

I choose to embrace the people I care about with both hands, cherish myself and enjoy every beautiful thing that crosses my path.

I think cherishing myself has as lot to do with seizing my day. If i don’t make time for me, who will?
I will take time to do things that will make me happy, indulge in things that give me pleasure and enjoy the things I love while in solitude.

I also choose not to waste time ranting about ‘haters’ and how short life is.

To the people who are in my life: You’re there for a reason, if I lost you and I’m trying to get you back, indulge me because you mean something to me.

To those people who I gently (or not so gently) escorted out of my life:
1.   If you need me in your life, do something about it
2.   Or if you have nothing positive to contribute to our relationship, let’s remain the way we are. No hard feelings, just life.

Meanwhile I’m not waiting around anymore for things to fall in place for me. I’m seizing my day!

*car·pe di·em
Latin. seize the day; enjoy the present, as opposed to placing all hope in the future.
Chances Are... 

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