Monday 28 January 2013

Why You Should Probably Dump Her

In my audacious opinion, too many good guys are fighting losing battles with not-so-good girls when they could be replacing them with much better ones.
I was heartbroken when I realised that I have been so wrapped in the millions of issues that women have, that I have been neglecting the five or six issues that guys have (we envy you!) Shame on me! I was so distraught that I couldn’t wait to make it right.
Have you ever observed a relationship and could count 40 reasons why that nice fellow should dump that useless girl? Have you realised that everybody could count the same reasons as you except the poor fellow? Haven’t we all seen those relationships every day of our lives and although it’s none of our business of course and we would never interfere…
I’ve attempted to condense those 40 reasons into five- mind you Reader, feel free to use your imagination and you will discover that I have barely scratched the surface.
1.      Strange things seem to happen only to her.
 Don’t be naïve Reader, doesn’t it strike you as odd that on the night of the show that you didn’t want to go to and she said that she wasn’t going to either, her Blackberry service got cut off  then the battery died and she had left her charger at Tammy’s house and she couldn’t find her other phone and nobody at the house had any credit so she went to sleep early but she was so tired because there was so much noise in the area that night and she didn’t sleep well and that’s why she woke up late and couldn’t call you until after 1pm. If you thought that was a mouthful, you should think back to how she said it.

2.      She wants to change you.
…and not in the good way either. Only a childish fling will leave two people the exact same as when they began the relationship. If it’s a good connection, good qualities will rub off and the bad ones will be rubbed out. At any point in a satisfying relationship, somebody should be able to count the number of ways that other person has helped them change, right? You should probably dump her if she met you a peaceful, mellow guy and now she thinks you a wimp because you don’t feel inclined to pick up something and go after that other fellow who offended her in a very trivial way. I fail to understand why the woman knew that you were a Jazz-loving, church-going, book-reading, decent-dressing guy and after a few weeks she’s dropping very obvious hints that she likes Rap-loving, neighbour-cussing, weed-smoking,  low jeans-wearing bad boys. It’s not rocket science, Reader, you cannot change yourself to please some girl and I don’t care how many other fellas want her.

3.      Her ‘past’ isn’t very far or very different from the present.
Few words: a lot of people have unpleasant pasts and the good thing about those people is that they have learned their lessons and their pasts have passed. If the girl’s past is still calling her phone and just happens to meet her a little too often and too coincidentally for your taste, then the past might still be here.

4.      Everybody and everything else is more urgent than you.
A fair girlfriend is able to strike a pleasant balance between all her responsibilities and you. She is able to be a good friend to her girlfriends, contribute enough time and resources at home, be your fair girlfriend, cater to herself and participate in all her other activities. A fair girlfriend can never to be willing to drop everything (including you) and run to her friend’s/co-worker’s/family member’s side and find absolutely no time to have your own back. Every person on earth has been given the same 24 hours every day, you are not being fair to yourself if you keep saying, “She’s busy with something, man and she’s tired most times…” That’s only an indicator of your position on the priority list…

5.      Her world revolves around you.
Yes, Reader, that’s a problem too. Doesn’t she have a life of her own? Does she have too much spare time? Doesn’t she have any friends or hobbies? Can’t she stand being on her own at times? Doesn’t she have anything else that matters to her? Doesn’t that make her clingy and needy? Can’t she go anywhere, do anything without you? That’s definitely a problem.

I tried but I just didn’t want to resist the temptation to add a bonus reason.

 6. Nobody else wants her.
Hey, Reader, somebody else should want your girlfriend and if nobody does, you probably shouldn’t either…

My dear fellow, if you’re a good guy- and I’m sure you are- you can do better. There is always another girl who will bend over backwards to please you and help you change for the better. There are only a few so you should probably get a move on replacing your 2 with a 10.

Oh, and a 10 will never be caught strolling in town on a Tuesday with a Friday night outfit, if you get my drift.
Is Cheating Really That Bad? 


  1. LOL, girl Jarna you not easy. Reason number one is reason enough in my opinion, all the other reason as just bonus

  2. Girl! lol its amazing d junk excuses that get believed eh. lol

  3. I love it! And I agree :)
    Clicking share right now.


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