Friday 11 January 2013

Hottie or Nottie

In my audacious opinion, women who do things only to be attractive to men have nothing to live for.
I know I'm right this time too. Somebody posed this question to me recently: men say they like a natural woman but how natural is natural? My opinion is totally one-sided because some people consider me unnatural since I like cosmetics and 'enhancing my features'. Reader, you can say what you want about cosmetics and nails and hair and eyelashes but be honest, don't high heels, push-up bras, lip gloss, moisturisers, dye and fashion belts serve a similar purpose? They all create illusions of being taller, slimmer, prettier, more elegant and generally more attractive. 
Of course, some persons will disagree- those persons who claim to be 100% natural and proud. To those persons, that's wonderful for you and may you live long and be prosperous.
There are vast differences between natural, enhanced and fake. In my experience, natural women must have something memorable otherwise they're usually easily forgotten. From what I understand of being 100% natural, I see a cave woman: unruly hair EVERYWHERE, talons for toenails, and a very plain impression.
I have seen many fake women and a few have good reason to hide behind television's idea of perfect. I don't see many of them here in Dominica but if when you 'unpack' at night you don't recognise yourself in the mirror, you're probably fake.  Moving on.
 Many women here are enhanced and so well put together that a man might say, " I like a natural woman like you wi." And you smile a mysterious smile and continue on.
A well-enhanced woman will play up her good features, not cover it with layers of makeup and hide from her own hair. You will walk past this woman and remember her. She's obviously human but very female. She's not squeezed into anything that she cannot breathe in, trotting along in heels that reward her with 4 corns on each foot. She works with a little here and a little there and she loves all her flaws. When she washes her face at night, she can hardly tell the difference.
If you claim to be 100% natural, you should try going a month with no modifications except maybe an herbal moisturiser and a toothbrush. Let's not be dramatic, some females enhance more than others, some are not sure what or how to enhance. That's ok, it doesn't mean you should throw up your hands and preach hell fire to a well-enhanced woman. Simply, working with your best features will not make you fake. We come in all colours, shapes and sizes so we cannot all look the same. Being properly put together is attractive at any age. 
I find that women who dress up and makeup just so somebody else can compliment them are lacking in confidence. Don't be a hypocrite, we all have days when we don't feel most confident but if you need to be complimented every time you feel attractive or you simply must take the street near the construction site to invite descriptions of your assets or you find it a waste of an outfit to go out with just girls -then you're one of those. You are known by many names, none of which I should type here.
You see those persons all the time Reader, and you need to let them know that being attractive doesn't mean being sexy. If you cannot dress up, cover up and feel beautiful just for yourself, just because you like it, then you have issues.
It offends me when somebody tells me, "Yes you looking nice for d boyfriend wi." I'm not. I look nice for me and if nobody sees me, I still feel satisfied. You have heard that one cannot love without loving oneself first- same theory. The bottom line is this: plucking, waxing, painting, squeezing, packing and gluing just for somebody else is never worth is. I feel strongly that men don't know that half of what women put themselves through and they shouldn't care. A man will like what he likes, so just be you. An honest man will never meet you in lipstick, like it and later on try to stop you from wearing it and think you're fake; he'll feel comfortable if you are and he understands that you have to feel beautiful to yourself first. Please note that beauty doesn't require  25 pairs of jeans or shoes neither does it mean plain and dull. Confidence determines attractiveness for both men and women. 

P.S: Reader, while you're doing you, ensure that what you see at 6 pm is not entirely different from what climbs out of bed at 6 am. 
Don't Hate, Congratulate
Planet Me

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