Friday 11 January 2013

Chances Are...

I've managed to compose a statement of irrefutable facts. This is what I’ve noticed:
Chances are that a staggering number of us will work our entire lives and probably never get to where we want to be.
Chances are that no matter how positive and upbeat we aim to be, there will be many times when something will appear and crush our spirits albeit temporarily.
Chances are that there will be a point in our lives when something will happen and will define our characters forever.
Chances are that point is seldom a fun experience.
Chances are somebody we consider an irreplaceable friend will mess up and turn out to be somebody we could have done without all along.
Chances are we might suddenly realise that honestly we never really had a reason to hate that person whom we enjoyed hating for years.
Chances are that somebody we trust will disappoint us so bad that we will be tempted to never trust again.
Chances are that no matter how much time and effort we put into something, we might never be recognised for the good work and nobody might ever notice.
Chances are that after you do everything that you humanly could to show somebody what kind of person you are, that person will only take everything he can and move on to the next prospect.
Chances are that something you intended for good explodes and turns out to be the worst thing that ever happened to you.
Chances are that after all the counsel and opportunities offered today, the next generation could turn out worse than we expect.
Chances are that the people who we give the support to create a better life for us will swindle us, lie to us, betray us and consider us expendable.
Chances are that after we do everything on our own we will need somebody else to help in a tiny way and that person will exploit us and cause us to start all over again.
Chances are that in the cycle of life and wealth, the rich will only get richer while the poor stays poor.
Chances are the so-called opportunities offered ambitious young people are merely traps to further somebody else’s cause.
Chances are that you make one mistake and you’re unfairly labelled for life.
Reader, you have to be aware that evil wins over good sometimes but that shouldn’t encourage you to change who you are or forfeit your morals. The world is already so filled with those kinds of people, what’s the point of adding any more to their ranks? I, for one, am determined that no matter what my life has planned for me, I’ll never become bitter or cynical or have a negative outlook or change the values that were instilled in me just because a few bad things happened to me.
Chances are that many people may not particularly like this article but that’s ok, I’m sure that there are others who will understand exactly what I mean. Sometimes without trying, we end up the underdog and like with every good underdog movie, whether the hero wins or not, he has learned a valuable lesson and is always loved by everybody else. Although we don’t aim to be loved by all, the underdogs understand the ways of the world but are not influenced by it.
Personally, I feel like I’ve learned something just by writing this and for some reason I feel proud to be an underdog. I prefer underdog to the alternative. I think I’ll make that my status…
What I Learned From a Hustler 


Whats on your mind?