Friday 11 January 2013

Kill Dem An' Done

Someone recently asked my opinion on the death penalty issue and although it's a controversial and sensitive issue, I have no qualms about sharing my thoughts.
Occasionally when a particularly revolting news story catches my attention, my mind goes to all sorts of angry places, I'll admit. But I don't think you can blame me, Reader because a grown man cannot willfully have sex with his 12 year old daughter claiming to be "a weak man" and get anything less than a fitting punishment. I say fitting because I believe that the punishment should fit the crime and on occasion, the intent. The way I see it, crimes against children are especially damaging because their characters are still being formed. So this 12 year old girl sums up the courage to complain to someone about her abuse and she bravely goes through the motions of implicating her abuser then, guess what, he gets 6 to 8 months for whatever reason. What message is that sending to the victim? And what kind of person is she expected to become at the end of the ordeal?
Particular crimes that have the potential to become an epidemic; those that cause harm to children and those that display gruesome acts of violence or intense planning should be punishable by death. On a case by case basis, of course.
In my opinion, only an animal would look at a little child and be so attracted that he would ignore that child's potential and innocence and choose to destroy that child forever. Why not solicit the services of the many loose women hanging about? It would even be better to pay a professional for her services. I'm not ashamed to say that that animal should be put down.
Similarly, it shows extreme maliciousness for a person to take time and creativity to plan a robbery instead of putting his energies towards creating a job for himself. It doesn't reflect well when this person gets away with a minor punishment and is able to return to enjoy his loot and plan the next big take.
Some crimes like murder for hire and a robbery going wrong and an innocent being killed shows disregard for human life. That person cannot be rehabilitated. I don't claim to be an expert but I'm convinced that although everybody's survival instinct makes them able to kill, it takes a certain kind of heartlessness to kill somebody for no good reason.
  I think that in my country there are too many criminals getting off with a slap on the wrist with the excuse of the crime being his first offence. Why should it matter how many times he's been caught? One curbs crime by stopping the offender and giving him immediate incentive to refrain from his criminal tendencies. Judges should punish criminals like they intend to singlehandly stop crime and then we'll see a change. Three men being charged $100,000 for drug trafficking seems a tad ridiculous to me. Those men probably have that stashed away under their mattresses! They will be back at work by the next day. I'm not saying they should be hung but that punishment seems to me like re-lighting the stove every time it goes out instead of closing the window, do you see?
Reader, I'm sure you'll agree that some crimes are 'catching'. One criminal without a soul getting away lightly gives reason for some other genius to try his hand.
Listen, all sorts of people will argue against the death penalty and that's ok, they're entitled to their educated opinions but to me some types of criminals behave like crazed dogs and should be punished as such.
Ninja Man says, "Kill dem an' done" and I'm forced to agree.
29 and Under 

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